link - general strike Detroit link - about link-events link - forum link - resources link - calendar link - links link - contact
1 May 2012 Detroit police tell occupation of Grand Circus Park to leave
link - police and homeland security
link May_1st_general_strike_in_Los_Angeles_Black_Bloc_kettle_the_police_and_force_police_line_back
May day immigrant justice throwdown NYC
link - May day immigrant justice throwdown NYC
may day protest in downtown Chicago
link - May day 2012 protest in downtown Chicago
may day general strike protester arrested for walking on sidewalk
link - May day protesters arrested for walking on the sidewalk
May day protests NYC
link - May day NYC arrests
occupy Detroit march from Grand Central Terminal May day general stirke
link - occupy Detriot march from Grand Central Terminal on May day during general strike
police arrest sit-in at Brooklyn College
link - sit-in at Brooklyn College
Seattle May day protests
link - May day 2012 Seattle protest
snatch and grab arrests
link - snatch and grab arrests